Thursday, August 18, 2011

How can I get custody of my children?

You need to doent their health and take pictures of them if you suspect changes in their appearance or attitude. Children need comfort and urance that the parent is there for them...If you can prove in the court to the judge that you posess more for then the father...meaning that you are there more then he is, then by law you being the mother can argue this. For example: I am with my children more then the father and I can provide the same comfort as him and I am able to be there with them more then he is or has been in the past with gf around, every thing has to do with the child, not what the adults do or say...are they given an opertunity to speak on their behalf in court? Can they say in court if they would rather stay with u because you are their for them more and show concern for them? how old are your children and ask your attorney about a new approach and you should ask your children what they think.

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